Cardio Exercise for Weight Loss
  • Benefits of cardio exercise
  • Types of cardio exercise
  • How to get most of cardio
Cardio Exercise for Weight Loss
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Understanding the Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is the type of exercise that helps to increase your heart activity. Apart from losing weight, it has many advantages. Multiple exercises include cardiovascular activities but consistency duration and intensity are the common elements of achieving your goals. In this article, we are going to discover some major benefits of cardiovascular exercises for weight loss and improving your health.

Benefits of Cardio

According to a study done in 2015, People who had completed a four-week cardiovascular program:

  • Improves sense of well-being.
  • lower the risk of heart disease, and specific cancer.
  • Improves mental health.
  • Improves stress management.
  • Improves your emotional health.

Cardiovascular exercise plays a crucial role for people who are looking for weight loss and fat burn. According to studies, people who did cardiovascular exercises for almost 8 weeks had practically improved the following parameters.

  • Body fat mass reduction.
  • Body Weight Loss.
  • BMI improvement.
  • Fat percentage reduction.

Best Cardio Exercises for Weight Loss

To achieve and maintain a healthy weight or to improve one’s health, cardio exercise is the best possible workout to burn fat and reduce weight. While performing cardio it is also to be noted that to reduce to risk of injury, it is suggested to do a warmup. All the exercises that are explained are meant to be treated as suggestions only.

Jump rope

Jumping rope is a good cardio exercise. jumping rope improves the elasticity of tendons and connective tissues, and also strengthens the calf muscles. While doing jumping ropes the arm and abdominal muscles are also included in the workout.


  • Lighty holds the handle of the jumping ropes.
  • Start relaxing your shoulder and keep the elbow close to the torso.
  • Gently starts bending the knees.
  • Now, revolve the rope from foot to head, and start jumping.
  • Jump accordingly over the rope.

Jumping Jacks

Performing jumping jacks on an outdoor trampolines can add an extra challenge and improve balance.


  • First, stand straight and spread the arms & legs wide.
  • Now Starts jumping with arm movement of up and down and leg movement of wide and spread.
  • Repeats this procedure, as per your set reps.


Burpees are a highly intense exercise that includes arms, legs, and body core.


  • Stand up straight.
  • Squat, placing the hands over the ground.
  • Jumps the leg back so they are straight.
  • Jumps the legs back to the position.
  • Stand up.
  • Jump in the same place.
  • Repeat

Running in place

When you are doing Running-in-place cardio, you have to move your body as you are running but you have to stand in one place. According to a study done in 2015 running in place can help to reduce muscle fatigue, improve flexibility, and help to improve lamber stability. Running in a place is a very effective cardio if you are looking to do warm-up exercises.


  • Run in the same place for 2 minutes.
  • Increased speeds for 1 minute.
  • Rest for one speed.
  • Jog in place for 3 minutes.
  • Rest for 1 minute.

Squat jumps

Squat jumps consist of the same motion as a regular squat plus a jump. squat jumps work with the thigh, hamstrings, and buttocks. Knee hip and ankle joint flexibility are also fixed with squat jumps.


  • Stands with your feet slightly apart and your arms by your side.
  • Swing the arm back and squat down until the knees are at a 90-degree angle.
  • Jump and swing your arm forward.
  • Land and repeat.

High-intensity interval training

Short Burst of high-intensity exercise, known as HIIT. HIIT uses the body’s stored energy, boosting metabolism and calorie burn. According to studies done by the American Council on Exercise, a person must do at least 2-3 minutes of high-intensity workout for every 2-3 minutes of recovery. At home also, a person can do intense exercise for a quick workout.

The steps of 25 minute HIIT workout are as follows

  • 5-minute Warm-up.
  • 15-minute HIIT Circuit.
  • Repeat it three more times.
  • 5 minutes of stretching for cool down.

Tip to Getting the Most out of Cardio

A person can try the following if they want to maximize the benefits of cardio exercise.

  • Ensure that the one has done pre-workout warm-up and post-workout cool-down.
  • Give the body time to recover between workouts.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Follow up the routine.
  • Sets realistic goals.


Any person can choose from a wide variety of cardio exercises if they want to achieve or maintain a healthy weight to get in better shape. It is also meant to be known that knowing one’s limitations will help one avoid pushing too far. If any person has any questions about their exercise regime they can connect with their physician. It is also very crucial to remember that a healthy lifestyle includes both exercise and a balanced diet.

Understanding the Cardiovascular Exercise: FAQ’s

1. How does cardio benefit the body?

It helps in lowering blood pressure, controlling blood sugar, and maintaining overall fitness.

2. Why is cardio important for everyone?

Regularly increasing your heart rate keeps it healthy and lowers your risk of developing heart disease. By lowering the levels of bad cholesterol and elevating the levels of good cholesterol, cardio exercise lowers blood pressure and maintains fitness.

3. What are the benefits after cardio?

It helps relieve pain, reduce stress, and boost your overall sense of well-being.

4. Is cardio enough for good health?

The bottom line is that every effective exercise program should incorporate both cardio and strength training as a team effort to improve your general health. Any exercise program must, in fact, include cardio.

5. How long should you do cardio?

According to doctors, the duration of the cardio is totally dependent upon the body mass index individually. And the goal that the individual is working on.

6. Can you do cardio every day?

You can perform as much cardio exercise as you like on a daily or weekly basis without exceeding the recommended upper limit.

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varun saxena

Written By: Varun Saxena

I am a passionate content writer with over three years of experience in the insurance domain. An avid learner, I always tries stays ahead of the industry's trends, ensuring my writing remains fresh and includes the latest insurance shifts. Through my work, I strive to engage with targeted insurance readers.